William Suen on Hainan's future

William Suen is a Chinese citizen who speaks fluent English. He has an in-depth understanding of the Chinese Economy and large project management. William worked in the energy industry for more than 10 years including stints at major Chinese oil companies, an Energy Policy Adviser for a European Governmental Organization and Regional Chief Executive of an international Oil Gas Technical Service Company. His experiences have given him a good understanding of the Western way of thinking and he excels in managing projects involving cooperation between the West and China. 

Concerned about the smog in Beijing and adverse health effects it was having on his family, in 2014, William Suen relocated to Hainan and started his new business in driving worldwide partnership in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community. After five years working closely with the Hainan Provincial Government, worldwide entrepreneurs, and startups; William Suen is one of the most well-connected and active proponents for Hainan Free Trade Zone and its ever-improving environment for both Chinese and international businesses. 

Currently based in Hainan, William Suen is married with two sons. He is frequently invited to be a keynote speaker in many events worldwide (he has traveled to over 50 countries to date) and also acts as coach and advisor for Chinese and international organizations.

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William Suen: a career of making things happen in Hainan and all over the world!