
About US

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is history’s largest infrastructure and trade route build out. As global interest in the BRI continues to rise, the Belt and Road Advisory was established to help organizations make more informed decisions. 

First and foremost, we seek to educate about BRI via our analysis, blog and podcast. Uniquely, we deliver this knowledge to both Chinese and English speaking audiences. Furthermore, we offer professional advisory services on all matters concerning the Belt and Road Initiative.

Our advantage lies in our ability to combine global networks, on-the-ground insights and rigorous data analysis. We help organizations leverage the BRI by offering a wide array of services including: technical solutions, M&A advice, partner sourcing, deal brokering, funding assistance and other related consulting services. 

Further, being based in Beijing allows us to understand the evolution of the Belt and Road Initiative from its epicentre. Belt and Road Advisory also serves as the “go to” site for the latest information on recent developments regarding China’s Belt & Road Initiative. We channel insights in both Chinese and English all over the world through our flagship podcast, blog and Belt & Road bulletin

“一带一路”是中国首倡的国际合作倡议,基础设施互联互通是实施“一带一路”倡议的先导, 贸易投资是“一带一路”互联互通合作的重中之重。随着全球对“一带一路”兴趣的持续上升,为帮助更多的组织、个人了解“一带一路”的理念规划和实施进展,“新丝路咨询”应运而生。


Organizations we have worked with