2018 November 21


Here is the Belt & Road Today brought to you by Belt and Road Advisory

  1. After Pence gave a speech in Papua New Guinea (PNG) criticizing Belt and Road as being “constricting”, PNG’s Foreign Minister rejected Pence’s assessment. - Read more

  2. China's central bank said that it had signed a bilateral currency swap agreement with its counterpart in Indonesia. The move is aimed at facilitating bilateral trade and investment, and maintaining financial market stability, according to the PBOC. - Read more

  3. The 3rd Ukraine Silk Road Forum was held on Friday, bringing together about 800 officials, representatives of the business community and public figures from China and Ukraine. - Read more

  4. Many U.S. companies are keeping their manufacturing operations in China for now. While businesses await further details on how U.S.-China trade relations will unfold, they could remain in China while boosting investments in other countries such as Vietnam. - Read more

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